Saturday, August 9, 2008

Arabia Mountain Trail

I was looking for a different place to ride my bike today. I had previously hiked at Arabia Mountain, known as the older and smaller sibling of Stone Mountain. I had noticed the greenway trail, and even hiked a bit of it, but did not know much about it otherwise. I did some additional research, and found that it ran from Stone Crest Mall on one end to Panola Mountain State Park on the other end, running around 11 miles one way. The web sites I read about it inidcated that he had much more significant elevation changes than Big Creek or Silver Comet, but I decided to give it a shot anyway.

I started the trip at the relatively new Polebridge trail head, which is close to the South end. I rode South 2 miles, at which point the trail connects to the Rockdale River Trail, which runs just over a mile to a fishing area in Panola Mountain State park. On the way back from Panola, I was beginning to really appreciate what my niece M. (age 9) goes through in the lasgt week before her monthly transfusion. I had been off my iron supplement for a bit, and with significant hills on this trail, I was really winded. I managed to do a round trip through this section, and make the ascent to Arabia Mountain. As I pressed on, I kept thinking of Hebrews 12:1 "Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us..." While it is a bit out of context for a bike ride, it kept me going none the less. I did spend some time thinking about why I manage to push myself through a difficult ride, but have trouble pushing myself through the real race that Hebrews speaks of.

The descent from the mountain was easier, as was the next section, which was built in the right of way of the old quarry trail from the mountain. I reached the mall, and decided to get some lunch. Unfortunately, the trail end at one side of the mall, and all of the restrauants were on the other side. I had to navigate through traffic to get to the other end, but the thought of food kept me going.

After lunch, I reversed course, stopping for a brief hike to the peak of one of the secondary mountains at Arabia. The balance of the trip seemed much easier than the trip out. I has glad to chose this trail, but I am not likely to do it every week.

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